04 August 2024

Homily #253: "Liturgy, Sacrament, Mystery of the Eucharist, Epiclesis, Consecration & Doxology"


Homily #253a: "Liturgy, Sacrament, Mystery of the Eucharist, Epiclesis, Consecration & Doxology"
by Deacon Dennis Purificacion
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sat. Vigil, Aug. 3, 2024, 5pm Mass

Homily #253b: "Liturgy, Sacrament, Mystery of the Eucharist, Epiclesis, Consecration & Doxology"
by Deacon Dennis Purificacion
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sun., Aug. 4, 2024, 8 a.m. Mass

Photo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4362930880558949/

21 July 2024

Homily #252: "Forming Your Heart as a Christian Leader (with Reference to Deacon Gene O'Sullivan)"



10am Mass


8am Mass

At the 8am & 10am Masses today, I mentioned Deacon Gene of St. John's in Milpitas (Diocese of San Jose) and his wife, Lois, to celebrate my 10 year anniversary in the diaconate.
I was an altar server alongside him when I first met him at age 16.
'Found out just this afternoon that his death day (July 12, 2002) is the same day as my wedding anniversary (July 12, 2003) but a year apart.
Kindly say a prayer for the repose of his soul and his wife's soul. Here's his obituary. One of these days, I'll find a photo of him.

Obituary for Deacon Eugene T. O'Sullivan (Lois) from San Jose Mercury News

Eugene T. O’SullivanOBITUARY

O’SULLIVAN, Eugene T.– Born September 23, 1925, in San Francisco, peacefully joined his wife Lois and son John in eternal rest on July 12, surrounded by his family. He is survived by his children: Patricia O’Sullivan, Rosaleen Galluzzi, Daniel O’Sullivan and Kevin O’Sullivan, by his sister, Rosaleen O’Sullivan, R.S.M., by eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild, by son and daughters-in-law, and cousins in the San Francisco area and in Ireland.””Deacon Gene”” was ordained a deacon of the Diocese of San Jose in 1983, and served the parishes of Ascension in Saratoga and St. John the Baptist in Milpitas for many years. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in the closing days of WWII; his service enabled him to graduate from the University of Washington. He met and married his wife Lois (originally from Connecticut) in 1950 in Richland, Washington, as a young electrical engineer working in the early days of atomic energy.After the birth of their fifth child in 1955, Gene and Lois made several career moves in support of his personal vision for the growth of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, taking their children to southern California, San Jose, Maryland, New Jersey, and finally back “”home”” to the Bay Area. In the mid-seventies, while still living in New Jersey, Gene increasingly felt a stronger call to his faith and began his studies in the deaconate program of Paterson Diocese.His job transferred him back to California, where he formally entered the deaconate and began his service with the church. He particularly enjoyed working with adult catechumens and was a gifted homilist. As a husband, father, brother, and deacon, he was well loved and respected as a good and wise man.Throughout the declining health of his last five years, his incredible spirit and resilience amazed all who knew him. His eternal optimism, his belief in having and following dreams, his quiet humor and twinkling eyes will be deeply missed.The family requests that any memorial donations be made to the American Heart Association of the St. Vincent de Paul Society (of which he was a member). Services have been held.


20 July 2024

Taught Evening Parish Baptism Class


20 parents & 14 godparents for 14 babies/toddlers

Allan Fulgencio's siblings were in attendance.  Allan (my former student) was present when Venus (my former student) baptized her daughter.

14 July 2024

3 Updates

 3 updates:

1) Tove Ann and I celebrated our 21st Wedding Anniversary on July 12.

2) After 18 years of homeschool, our 19 y.o. son made Dean's Honor List his first year at a secular college.  Thank you, Kolbe Academy (www.kolbe.org)!

3) I am grateful to have celebrated 10 years in the Order of Deacon (June 28) which includes 3 years as a VPD chaplain.

Thank you, God, and thank you, everyone!

13 July 2024

Conversation With My Former Student, Jonathan Biascan, on Teaching My Son John Paul


Jonathan: Happy Anniversary!

Me: Awww thank you.  You remember!  Thank you.  

I hear that you have my son as your student.  How poetic!! 


Me: Take care of my son, Master.  Prepare him for a cruel world that he will have to face.  ...and bring to Christ.



Me to my son, John Paul, last year: Go to Mr. B. for your philosophy training.  (He'll help shield you from Nietzsche.)

21st Wedding Anniversary

02 July 2024

Swearing in of New Officer

'Present for swearing in of new officer "Richard" at VPD Training Room.


From VPD FB page:

Vallejo, we are pleased to introduce Officer Richard Agoncillo, badge #784, as the newest member of our police department.

Originally from Daly City and raised in Fremont, California, Officer Agoncillo brings a wealth of experience to our community. He served in the United States Marine Corps for eight years, starting in 2012, followed by two years with the Army National Guard. His law enforcement journey includes two years with the New Orleans Police Department, from 2019 to 2021, before he returned to California to be closer to his family.

Officer Agoncillo is fluent in Tagalog and he is pursuing a degree in Homeland Security at American Public University. In his leisure time, he enjoys playing basketball and spending quality time with his family.

Officer Agoncillo loves the diversity of Vallejo and is committed to serving and protecting our residents.

We are excited to have Officer Agoncillo join our ranks and look forward to his contributions to our community. His dedication and experience will undoubtedly enhance the Vallejo Police Department.





09 June 2024

Homily #251: "Creation, Fall & Redemption in Your Life with Jesus the Second Adam & Mary the Second Eve"


Homily #251a: "Creation, Fall & Redemption in Your Life w Jesus the Second Adam & Mary the Second Eve"
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Genesis 3 & Mark 3)
June 9, 2024
12pm Mass

Homily #251b: "Creation, Fall & Redemption in Your Life w Jesus the Second Adam & Mary the Second Eve"
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Genesis 3 & Mark 3)
June 9, 2024
5pm Mass


21 May 2024

Thoughts for Pentecost Sunday (Posted on FB)

On this Pentecost Sunday, I'm so excited to have been part of so many beautiful/sacred moments in the lives of others the past few months:

I got to oversee the Adult Confirmation Mass for 89 Candidates from 13 parishes (@ a packed St. Eugene's Cathedral, SR) today, after supporting visits to half of 31 parishes the past month or so to support parents/sponsors for over 1,000+ youth Confirmation Candidates. For my parish, I just taught a baptism prep seminar for 44 parents/godparents for 13 babies (@ St. Catherines, Vallejo) on Friday evening.  

In my own extended family, I got to witness the Confirmation of my 2nd son, served as Confirmation sponsor for my cousin's daughter, prepped fam/friends for marriage/sacraments, and supported the 1st bday of my nephew who I baptized last year. All this doesn't include the joy of serving as a police chaplain and day to day moments in family life.

It's not just serving others ("ministering to") but also "walking with" side by side fellow families, parents, godparents, kids, etc. on the same pilgrim journey of faith together to our Heavenly home. Thank you for sharing the joy of this reflection with me. I can't contain myself with the beauty of the Sacraments of the Church!

If you still need to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (and/or First Communion) as a baptized adult, or if you still need to have your child under 7 baptized, or if you'd like to learn more about being part of the Catholic Church, please be sure to contact your local parish for follow up. (I can send you on the right direction if you need assistance.)

Blessed Pentecost Sunday! God loves you.

Thank you, Holy Spirit. Renew the face of the Earth & help us bring the Gospel of Love to everyone on the planet.

Bishop Vasa reminds me of Pope John Paul II.

20 May 2024

"Faith, Hope & Love: Reflections on Jesus & Mary for the National Eucharistic Revival"


"Faith, Hope & Love: Reflections on Jesus & Mary for the National Eucharistic Revival"  
by Deacon Dennis Purificacion, Ed.D., S.T.L. 

St. Vincent's Catholic Church, Vallejo, CA
Diocese of Sacramento 
Monday, May 20, 2024, 9-930pm

Parishes of Solano County welcomed the Blessed Sacrament on Monday, May 20, as it made its way to the National Eucharistic Revival Congress in Indiana from San Francisco.

06 May 2024

Needed Proxy for Confirmation (St. Claire) May 5, 2024

Helped form a family member out of state with a few phone calls for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Chosen saint name: Claire.

Thank you, Holy Spirit.

20 April 2024

New Auxiliary Bishop (Then-Father) Rey Bersabal Invited Me To Be a Deacon During Third Sacramento Diocesan Synod in 2004

I remember Father Rey when he was a young Sacramento pastor back in 2004.

He invited me to be a deacon at his parish during the Third Sacramento Diocesan Synod in 2004. Tove Ann and I were synod delegates, and she remembers our conversation w him, too.  That's was 20 years ago.

Ad multos annos!

13 April 2024

Baptism of Another 4 Precious Little Ones: Remember you are a prince or princess of the Kingdom (Homily 246)!

Welcome to the newest members of the Church:

Adonis (194)

Malachi (195)

Mikayla Isabelle (196)

Rayah Louise (197)

Homily #246 on Baptism: Remember you are a prince or princess of the Kingdom! 

30 March 2024

26 March 2024

OCIA (RCIA) Parish Retreat Talk on Sacraments

 Sat., March 23, 2024 (not recorded)

A Sacrament (Mystery) is an:

(1) outward sign (point forward)

(2) instituted by Christ (point up)

(3) to give me grace (point towards self)

24 March 2024

Impromptu Homily #245: Palm Sunday

8 a.m. Palm Sunday Mass

Not recorded (some reflection points):

After Lent, we enter the Holiest Week of the Church's liturgical year.

Holy Thursday: Institution of the Eucharist, the priesthood of the New Law, & Command to Love

Good Friday: Death of Jesus (one day in year when no Mass is celebrated)

Great Easter Vigil / Easter Sunday

Reflections of mystics on Jesus in Garden of Gethsemene

He saw all our sins from Adam to end of the world.  Devil tried to crush Him like a worm.  Jesus was heartbroken seeing rejection of world.  He asked, "What good will my death do?"  It was small flock with world rejecting Him.  He went to Peter for comfort and help, but they were asleep.

But when he saw YOU in His vision, He got up, fixed His hair, got composed and went out to die for YOU!

Return His love with love.

Hope you can attend Triduum

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

29 February 2024

Daughter Open to Religious Life as Sister

One of my girls expressed being open to being a Sister.

Her mom and I gave her a big hug.  

I said whether or not God is calling you to be a nun, I am very proud of you for thinking of it.

18 February 2024

Rite of Election 2024 (Diocese of Santa Rosa)

OCIA Parish Directors 2024

SR Diocese

83 incoming new Catholics (48 Catechumens & 35 Candidates for Full Communion) from 15 parishes participated

14 February 2024

Ash Wednesday

Parishioners asked girls to sing for Holy Communion.  They sang "Loving & Forgiving" by request from the pews.  I was also asked to sing "Ashes" during the Imposition of Ashes.

03 February 2024

Blessing of Throats on Optional Feast of St. Blaise

Through the intercession of Saint Blase, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illness.  + In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

31 January 2024

Before I Proclaim the Gospel at Mass, I Would...

 ...pause and take a moment to remember the connection of this moment of the Gospel with Jesus Christ and the Twelve Apostles through the Bishop laying his hands on my head.  The same Jesus that walked the earth is the same Jesus we hear proclaimed.

And then I chant, "The Lord be with you."

And God's holy people reply, "And with your spirit."

18 January 2024

Ecumenical Encounters

 - Orthodox Christian (husband was an Orthodox deacon) who was formerly new age 

- Pentecostal bishop

- Intervarsity campus ministry

- Someone asked if I was a Catholic chaplain / then asked for a rosary to pray in Spanish / great conversation