24 June 2023

Cursillo Recollection Talk

Deacon Dennis Purificacion is married to Tove Ann and will be celebrating 20 years of marriage this July.  They are raising 7 kids, ages 3 to 17.  He was ordained to the diaconate 9 years ago, and he is assigned to St. Catherine’s in Vallejo, where he and his wife cofounded the Maris Stella Institute with some parishioners.  Professionally, Deacon Dennis is the Diocesan Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Santa Rosa Chancery.  He holds four theology degrees and a doctorate in education administration.  During his time with his family, he enjoys viewing superhero movies and science fiction with his kids.  He completed Cursillo in 2003, as part of the Table of St. Paul.  De colores!

Prepared Couple for Marriage in Catholic Church

11 June 2023

"Eucharist IS the Flesh of Jesus the Living Bread" (Homily #230b) for Solemn Feast of Corpus Christi (National Eucharistic Revival, Phase 2)


"Eucharist IS the Flesh of Jesus the Living Bread" (Homily #230b) for Solemn Feast of Corpus Christi (National Eucharistic Revival)
by Deacon Dennis Purificacion

Sunday, June 11, 2023, 5 p.m. Mass
St. Catherine's Catholic Church, Vallejo, CA, USA

Thumbnail/Photo: Deacon Dennis's daughter's First Holy Communion w/Fr. Glenn Jaron, MSP

08 June 2023

RIP Doortje Werner (Wife of Deacon-Cop)

"Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, 
your children shall be like young olive plants around your table" (Psalm 128:3).

Doortje Werner would regularly talk about my kids with me during our formation class over lunch or on breaks.  She would give me and Tove Ann advice about family life, her kids and grandkids.

She went home to our Father's House on May 30, 2023, at age 71.  

She one time said to me about our smaller kids, "If you get a present for one little one, you need to get a present for the other little one as well."  Just the other day, my wife and I actually did this where we bought a toy for our 3 year old because we bought something for the 5 year old.  It kept the peace between both of them and saved us a headache down the road.

This was one sample of things we talked about.  She was proud of her family.

Thank you, Doortje, for being family for law enforcement and the diaconate.  Someone has to do it.  The families of just one of these pathways is already a sacrifice of service for others.  Generally speaking, neither the American public nor even the upper hierarchy of the Catholic Church fully appreciates what the family of peace officers and also what married ecclesial ministers go through.  Perhaps in the future they may when future historians look back to our time and see someone like Doortje.  She is the late wife of Deacon Chuck Werner, a retired police officer, who lives in Northern California.

When I heard she was in the hospital, I intended to mail our family photo to her to encourage her, but I wasn't able to at the time.  So I still sent this to her husband as part of our condolences.

Family life, public safety, ministry for others -- thank you, Doortje!  These were my images of you.  Thank you for the grand heart that you gave the world and the Church. 

Thank you, Chuck.  Thank you, Werner Family.

+Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.  May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.  Amen.

Diocese of Sacramento
Diaconate Class of 2014