25 September 2021

Santa Rosa Rel Ed Congress 2021

Video Credit: Irene from ETWN Missionaries of Santa Rosa, CA

I oversaw my 8th Diocesan catechetical conference.

We are small but faithful.


19 September 2021

Got Chaplain Call Out But It Was Cancelled Last Minute

'Got a chaplain call out for this evening.

I said that I was available to go out, and then got another message that my services were no longer needed as I was getting dressed.

And that was my duty to the people of Vallejo today as chaplain.  

Thank you, God, for this privilege. 


Also, earlier today (not on a chaplain call out), I broke up a physical fight between two elderly ladies.  One punched the other.  

I think it would have been a different ending had I not been there.

13 September 2021

Was Asked Twice on the Same Day: "Are You a Minister?"

Wore a white shirt, green pants, and black jacket on Sunday. 
Was asked in the morning and then again in the evening, "Are you a minister?"
Replied to both timea, "I'm a deacon-- a Catholic deacon."
For morning, person told me his dad was a police chaplain.
For afternoon at the gas station, person named Motorcycle Mike asked me to pray with him.
I think both were Baptists.