20 March 2018

Birth & Baptism of Baby P.J. (with Homily #127 for Peter Joseph's Baptism)


Here's a story of P.J.'s birth in pictures:

A few minutes after midnight on Monday, March 19, Tove Ann started contractions.

Having done this with my 5 previous kids, I tracked her contractions.

In the months leading up to delivery, I told people that I was more nervous with this baby than the others.  I think it was b/c of natural jitters.

Here's a picture of Tove Ann walking at the hospital entrance.  She didn't know I took this picture.

I am thankful to my sister-in-law, Stef, who came in the middle of the night.  This was Plan E.

I actually had a Plan A, B, C, and D where my father-in-law would come and stay w/the kids at our place, but he had a cold, and Stef stepped up instead.  Thank you, Stef!!!

Stef ended up being Plan E.


We ended up walking around and napping for the day at the hospital while contractions were happening, after checking in. 

As you can see, we're tired.

I'm a little embarrassed to give a belated card to Tove Ann.  But her expression says it all.

I actually bought the card the day before St. Valentine's Day, but the move to a new home, preparing for pregnancy, and other life's demands were some of the reasons for my delay in giving her the card.

But....ahem...there's really no excuse for me to be late.  When couples date at the beginning of their courtship, they do not delay with such cards.  I was happy that I was late than never giving the card to her.

Yes, yes, I know, for a husband this is a no-no, but it was a blessing in disguise b/c now I got to talk about it here.  And we were able to take a moment's respite from the labor and reminisce about life.  I got to distract her from the hours that lay ahead of us.

Here's my lovely -- and tired -- wife:

We got as much sleep as we could while waiting.  The photo actually doesn't show that Tove Ann's having contractions every 5 minutes.

Later, while waiting to be admitted into a nurse's triage station, the local priest from St. Augustine's in Oakland came to bring Tove Ann Holy Communion and hear her Confession.

Thank you to the ladies of St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Oakland who helped make this happen!!!  St. Augustine's Parish also came through with Holy Communion for the last two babies for us. 

The priest in this picture is Fr. Augustine Joseph, the pastor.

One of the nurses taking care of Tove Ann named Jennifer (not Catholic) told Fr. Augustine that she went with a friend to Christmas Mass at St. Augustine's Church.  Father Augustine smiled and gave her a hug. 

Tove Ann invited Jennifer to look more into the Catholic Church.  Yes, even in her labor, Tove Ann was still laboring for the Church's mission.

I later gave Jennifer the rosary in my pocket when we left to the next room.

It's now late Monday night when we settled in the room.

Tove Ann had contractions during the entire Solemn Feast of St. Joseph.

* * *

Our son, Peter Joseph, was eventually born in this room.

12:30 a.m. - 2:30 a.m.

Tove Ann asked me to put up a picture of Divine Mercy.  

Little did we know that Peter Joseph would be born in a couple of hours.  I braced myself for a long, tiring morning.

I have to say that I am blessed that I was present at all 6 kids' deliveries.  I know that not all fathers are able to enjoy this.

All the kids' deliveries were very, very intense spiritual moments for me as a man. 

I am in deep awe with the pain endured by mothers to bring new life into the world.

My heart is deeply moved as I write this b/c I remember those minutes with my wife as she gave birth.

I am moved to tears and my heart melted as I remember on this web log how I reminded Tove Ann to breathe during the pain, how I was in prayer to God and St. Joseph for strength in the abandoned darkness of childbirth, how I held my wife as she clung to me in the final moments of P.J.'s birth, how I whispered to her that this was temporary and was almost over, how even though we have done this five times how childbirth feel like a dark abandonment, and how relived I was after P.J. was born and placed in my arms.

Baby P.J. was placed in my arms before his mother's arms.  I loved this moment! 

I held him on the left side of my body with my left arm, as Tove Ann was on my right.  Once again, my eyes tear at remembering this profound moment of my son's birth.

He is the first baby for whom I was not in a physical positon to cut the umbilical cord, since P.J. was in my arms instead.  It was a gift to hold this newborn before his mom.

I think most of the other kids were placed in their mom's arms before mine.

Admittedly, I was feeling emotions of relief that this part delivery was over.  Baby didn't cry coming out and only later did.

I obviously didn't take pictures during the final moments of the child birth process.  The pains of childbirth are like no other.

Here's baby's first picture that was used to later announce him to the world.

Peter Joseph
5 lbs., 14 oz.

Eventually, P.J. was placed in his mama's arms.

Here's a photo of a tired but happy me:

This nurse helped us.  Her name is Jacqueline.

mother with her newborn

Thank you, Dr. Mary Davenport, for taking care of Tove Ann and our newest little one!!!

We love Dr. Davenport!  She is a vocal pro-life doctor.

This wheelchair photo is one of my favorite pictures.

Here's the cover picture I used for this blog:

Having been a seasoned father, this is how I logged Tove Ann's labor.

Not only frequency but duration, this eventually helped me as P.J. was born.

As you can see, I stop taking notes around the 2 a.m. hour b/c by this point, I'm holding Tove Ann.

Tove Ann was then moved to a different room after some rest time.

Tove Ann asked me to put up a picture of Jesus the Divine Mercy in the second room.

I later knocked out in this room for a good number of hours, until around the time the priest-chaplain came.

I think Tove Ann later gave this Holy Card to the nurse.


Me: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


priest-chaplain blesses newborn baby

Anointing of the Sick

The priest came to give Holy Communion to Tove Ann.

Tove Ann received the Bread of Life for the day.

I am grateful for the Most Blessed Sacrament.  When Jesus said that we would be with us until the end of the world, He truly was with us in this precious hour throughout it all.

We do our best to attend weekday Mass, not just on Sunday, as a family.  Our life is so busy and regulated by our family calendar -- I have very few free weekends open -- that we need the Holy Mass and Confession and our family rosary to sustain us. 

(One model for me of sustaining a prayer life through the busy-ness of life is Pope St. John Paul the Great who, though he was a busy Pope, made people feel like they were the center of his universe when he spoke to them without looking like he was in a rush.  'Am still working on this.)

Spiritual directors have told her and me that the busier we are, the more we need to pray.

This is why the Eucharist is the center of our life.  I cannot function without the Sacraments.

* * *

Meanwhile, later that evening, Tove Ann asked me to return home.  My Mom and Papa Hardie came to relieve Stef late Monday evening who I imagine was tired from taking care of the kids.

Here's a photo of my kids with them:


This the first public debut of our new Family Triple Stroller.  I pray God's blessings for whoever invented this.

The last family double stroller we had lasted 9 years.  We called it "the Cadillac" b/c it was like moving an aircraft carrier.

I am grateful to Ben & Jennifer Jimenez who, last Christmas, gave us a gift card.  So the funds from the gift card were used to help purchase this triple stroller.  Their family business is called Concealment Express.

Yes, we do get stares with the double stroller.  At the time of this writing, we have not used the triple stroller yet.

The discharging nurse said that she would meet us at our minivan, so the kids and I went back to the minivan with the kids to wait for the new little one and for their mom.  It was raining.

Video: 5 Kids See Their Newborn Brother For 1st Time

Video: Baby P.J.'s First Recorded Cries

Video: "This one is a cry-er."
(The other kids were more quiet.)

Video: Daddy Hands Baby P.J. to Mommy

a silhouette of Tove Ann

When we got home, P.J. came home to a sign made by the kids.  "Welcome to the family, Peter Joseph.  We love you!"

John Paul also turned on some dance lights that my dad gave to us a few days earlier.  Reminded me of my teacher days chaperoning school dances.

It was SO different changing P.J.'s diaper.  After 3 girls, I forgot what it was like to change a boy.

Okay, so we finally got some shots of Baby P.J. with his eyes open.

I put some shots of Hope b/c....

...she's realizing that she's no longer the baby of the family anymore.

Here she is both messy and cleaned up:

One my classmates from the diaconate class, Dorjie, once told me that if you're gonna give something to one of the kids you gotta give the other younger kids something, too.

my 3 boyz

* * *
LENT 2018
Our Family Lenten Resolutions for Lent 2018 (see bottom 2 sheets)


Solemn Intercessions
(It took me a while to get the right note on chant.
Tove Ann told me to warm up more so that I'm not warming up during the 10 intercessions.)


Exultet (Easter Proclamation)

* * *

EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 2018, 2:30pm

Here's the story of P.J.'s baptism in pictures:

While waiting for people to arrive, we prayed the Chaplet of Mercy.

E.J. vested in a white altar server cassock to serve.

Family & friends join in prayer before Rite of Baptism.  These pictures are from Rachel, my mom, and my Uncle Olan and Auntie Helen.

Here we are lining up for a procession.

my mom with my Uncle Olan & Auntie Helen

my sister, Rachel, with her son, Baby Braxton Joseph & my son, John Paul
(I baptized Baby Braxton and blog about it HERE.)

Tove Ann leads the hymn "Jesus Christ is Risen Today."

family and friends join procession

My sister took a selfie.

We then reverence the Blessed Sacrament and take our places.

I am grateful to this site for the Rite of Baptism.


Reception of the Child

Deacon: What name do you give your child?

Tove Ann: Peter Joseph.

Deacon: And what do you ask of God's Church for Peter Joseph?

Tove Ann: Baptism.

Deacon: You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him (her) in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him (her) up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?

Tove Ann: We do.

Deacon: Are you ready to help the parents of this child in their duty as Christian parents?

Dominic & Remilla: We are.

Deacon: Peter Joseph, the Christian community welcomes you with great joy. in its name I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of his cross. I now trace the cross on your forehead, and invite your parents (and godparents) to do the same.

Parents & godparents make the Sign of the Cross on baby's forehead.

Liturgy of the Word

Deacon's Bench

My dad read from First Letter of Peter:

"You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart..."

Video: Peter Joseph's grandfather reads from the First Letter of St. Peter.

My son, E.J., reads Responsorial Psalm 23.

Tove Ann signs the Alleluia and Acclamation.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark
(on Jesus saying "Let the children come to me...").

I actually focused more on the First Letter of Peter in the homily.

Homily #127 for Baptism of Peter Joseph Catubig Purificacion

Choir: "The Virtues"
(That'd be a neat band name for the girls.)

After the Prayers of the Faithful by Tove Ann, we went to the Baptismal Font invoking the saints. 
(I couldn't find the portable baptismal font.)

Prayer of [Minor] Exorcism & Anointing Before Baptism

After the invocation, the celebrant says:

Almighty and ever-living God, you sent your only Son into the world to cast out the power of Satan, spirit of evil, to rescue man from the kingdom of darkness, and bring him into the splendor of your kingdom of light. We pray for this child: set him (her) free from original sin, make him (her) a temple of your glory, and send your Holy Spirit to dwell with him (her). We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

For another form of the prayer of exorcism, see no. 221.

The celebrant continues:

We anoint you with the oil of salvation in the name of Christ our Savior; may he strengthen you with his power, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
ALL: Amen

first anointing with Oil of Catechumens on P.J.'s breast (area below throat)

The waters of rebirth were already blessed by the priest at the Easter Vigil the holy night a few hours ago.

Renunciation of Sin and Profession of Faith

The celebrant speaks to the parents and godparents in these words:

Dear parents and godparents: You have come here to present this child for baptism.  By water and the Holy Spirit he (she) is to receive the gift of new life from God, who is love.  On your part, you must make it your constant care to bring him (her) up in the practice of the faith. See that the divine life which God gives him (her) is kept safe from the poison of sin, to grow always stronger in his (her) heart.

If your faith makes you ready to accept this responsibility, renew now the vows of your own baptism. Reject sin; profess your faith in Christ Jesus. This is the faith of the Church. This is the faith in which this child is about to be baptized.

The celebrant questions the parents and godparents:

CELEBRANT: Do you reject Satan?


CELEBRANT: And all his works?


CELEBRANT: Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth?


CELEBRANT: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?


CELEBRANT: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?


The celebrant and the congregation give their assent to this profession of faith:

CELEBRANT: This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

All: Amen.

**For all my six kids, a priest baptized the first three, and I was blessed to baptize the next three.  Each time, whether a priest baptized or I did, I kissed them on their foreheads before the holy waters of baptism were poured over their heads. 
(Note: This is not part of the liturgical rubrics but it is a private act of a father before water is poured.)


The celebrant invites the family to the font and questions the parents and godparents:

CELEBRANT: Is it your will that N. should be baptized in the faith of the Church, which we have all professed with you?


He baptizes the child, saying:

N., I baptize you in the name of the Father,

He immerses the child or pours water upon it.

and of the Son,

He immerses the child or pours water upon it a second time.

and of the Holy Spirit.

"Peter Joseph, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

"Peter Joseph...

"...I baptize you in the name of the Father and...."

"...of the Son and..."

"...of the Holy Spirit."

a different angle:

Anointing with Chrism

Then the celebrant says:

God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin, given you a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and welcomed you into his holy people. He now anoints you with the chrism of salvation. As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you live always as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life.

ALL: Amen.

Then the celebrant anoints the child on the crown of the head with the sacred chrism, in silence.

(You can see the sweet-smelling Sacred Chrism on my thumb.)

Clothing with the White Garment

The celebrant says:

N., you have become a new creation, and have clothed yourself in Christ. See in this white garment the outward sign of your Christian dignity. With your family and friends to help you by word and example, bring that dignity unstained into the everlasting life of heaven.

ALL: Amen.

The white garment is put on the child. A different color is not permitted unless demanded by local custom. It is desirable that the family provide the garment.

Lighted Candle

The celebrant takes the Easter candle and says:

Receive the light of Christ.

Someone from the family (such as the father or godfather) lights the child's candle from the Easter candle.

The celebrant then says:

Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. This child of yours has been enlightened by Christ. He (she) is to walk always as a child of the light. May he (she) keep the flame of faith alive in his (her) heart. When the Lord comes, may he (she) go out to meet him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom.

Ephphetha or Prayer over Ears and Mouth

If the conference of bishops decides to preserve the practice, the rite of Ephphetha follows. [in the United States it may be performed at the discretion of the minister.] The celebrant touches the ears and mouth of the child with his thumb, saying:

The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. May he soon touch your ears to receive his word, and your mouth to proclaim his faith, to the praise and glory of God the Father.

ALL: Amen.

Conclusion of the Rite

Lord's Prayer


The celebrant first blesses the mother, who holds the child in her arms, then the father, and lastly the entire assembly:

CELEBRANT: God the Father, through his Son, the Virgin Mary's child, has brought joy to all Christian mothers, as they see the hope of eternal life shine on their children. May he bless the mother of this child. She now thanks God for the gift of her child. May she be one with him (her) in thanking him for ever in heaven, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

ALL: Amen.

CELEBRANT: God is the giver of all life, human and divine. May he bless the father of this child. He and his wife will be the first teachers of their child in the ways of faith. May they be also the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith by what they say and do, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

ALL: Amen.

CELEBRANT: By God's gift, through water and the Holy Spirit, we are reborn to everlasting life. In his goodness, may he continue to pour out his blessings upon these sons and daughters of his. May he make them always, wherever they may be, faithful members of his holy people. May he send his peace upon all who are gathered here, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

ALL: Amen.

My college friend, Reyes, on social media jokingly asked me whether, during the part to bless the father, I laid hands upon myself.  I should jokingly take a picture of me placing my hands on my head and send it to him. 

I didn't think anyone would catch that part from the rubrics, but he did which I thought was pretty cool.

I have yet to reply in all seriousness that I still say the prayer from the Rite.  As Fr. Z. said, "Say the black and do the red."

What a joy for Easter!

Celebrant: May almighty God, the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit, bless you.

ALL: Amen.

* * *

A Private Prayer Before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament & Our Lady:

We consecrate Peter Joseph to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the glory of God, the confusion of the demon, and for the love of our brothers and sisters in the service of God's Church.

Tove Ann led us in singing the "Regina Caeli" in Latin.

(w/Rachel, her husband Joey, and their son the adorable Baby Braxton)
Purificacion Family w/Cizauskas Family

My son, Peter Joseph (6th child), was my 74th baptism.

My daughter, Therese Maria Hope (5th child), was my 33rd baptism.

And my daughter, Faith Marie (4th child), was my 1st baptism.

_ _ _

Afterwards, we headed to our new place and had Chinese food.

Easter Egg Hunt

Here's my mom helping Hope find Easter eggs.

my sisters-in-law

Peter Joseph with his grandmother

Piñata with the Ty's

Purificacion Family with the Ty Family


Message to my son Peter Joseph from his dad: Be a great saint!