31 July 2016

The Church is the Most Important Part of Your Life (Homily #63)

Purificacion Family w/Fr. Raj & Sr. Peter Catherine

12pm Mass
8am Mass

 HOMILY #63:

“The Church is the Most Important Part of Your Life: Heavenly Treasures”

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Catherine’s, Vallejo

                                                    July 31, 2016      

Angela Rubang, a fellow parishioner, was also a teacher at St. Catherine’s School.  She recently entered a teaching religious Order of nuns called the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist.  She is now known as Sr. Peter Catherine.

Several years ago, she served as godmother to my second child.  After the baptism ceremony, the priest turned to Angela and said, “You’re a godmother?  But you’re not rich.”  Angela immediately replied, “I’m rich in things of heaven, Father.”  As you can see, treasure is not just material monetary treasure.  For Sr. Peter Catherine, her treasures were the spiritual things of heaven & spiritual friendship.

In a similar story, when St. Lawrence the Pope’s deacon, was arrested in the year 258, the authorities told him to bring them the treasures of the Church.  Lawrence later returned with the sick, the suffering poor, and fatherless orphans.  He pointed to them and said to the judge, “Here are the treasures of the Church!”


In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches about saving up spiritual treasure.  Jesus warns that if our time, talents, and monetary treasures do not help us go to heaven, if they are not used to bring us, our families, or others to God and His Church in some way, if it does not help us grow in holiness and virtue, then – with all due respect, dear brothers and sisters – those things we spend our time, talent and treasure on from the point of view of eternity...are… just....a…big…useless…waste. 

In the First Reading, it is written, “Vanity of vanities….says Qoheleth, all things are vanity.”  What does it profit us if we gain the whole world but lose our soul?  Eternally losing our soul is like the rich man in the Gospel where God says to him, “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you.”

This leads to the main message of this homily, esp. for Catholics:

1.)  The Church is the most important part of your life.

2.)  The Church is the most important part of your life.

3.)  The Church is the most important part of your life.

So let’s go to the first point, shall we?  The Church is the most important part of our lives because she is the Body of Jesus Christ.  Her teachings are His own!  The two are one.  His Excellency Archbishop Alex Sample of Portland recently wrote:

QUOTE "The 'salvation of souls,' which must always be the supreme law of the Church, must be kept before our eyes. The salvation of souls. How often do we hear this language in the Church today? Not very often, I am afraid. And yet that is the very mission of the Church!” END Quote.

The primary mission of the Church is spiritual— to bring the spiritual treasure of souls into heaven.  Earthly concerns follow.  We’re here to evangelize and bring the world back to God through His Son.  Jesus saves souls through His Church.

That’s Good News: Jesus is risen!  Through His Cross, he destroyed sin and death and made Heaven possible.  That is why, in the Second Reading, St. Paul wrote to the Colossians, “If you were raised with Christ, seek what is above….Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.”

But if there’s Good News, there’s also bad news.  People reject the treasure of God’s mercy and love through sin.  It’s said that the “only tragedy in life is to not be a saint.”  You know, there is this gravely mistaken idea somehow that when everyone dies, they all go to Heaven.  That’s not true.  As Catholics, we need to do everything we can so that we ourselves and those we love are not eternally lost through immoral lifestyles and choices.

[Post-Homily Note: I did not mention here that there are saintly Fathers and Doctors of the Church that hold that the greater majority of mankind is actually damned.]

Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 showed three children a vision of Hell.  She said, “Most souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”  You see, even though there are more serious sins than impurity, such as pride, impurity is among the easiest of deadly sins to fall in to.

But we should choose Heaven over these temporary earthly joys.  Again, in today’s Second Reading, Paul wrote, “Put to death, then, the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and the greed that is idolatry.  Stop lying to one another…..put on the new self.”  The best way to practice purity and put on a new self is a fervent sacramental life— frequent Mass and Confession, praying the rosary, and using sacramentals.  When I was a teenager, a priest encouraged me to pray 5 Hails Marys on my knees every time I woke up in the morning for purity.

I especially want to turn to us men for a few seconds, whether fathers of families or not, younger or older.  Dear brothers, let us resist pornography with the Second Reading.  I’ve listed powerful spiritual tools to fight it: the Sacraments and sacramentals.  Pornography can open the home to unwanted spirits that cause family disturbances.  Let’s not be ashamed to confess this in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Let’s put on the new self, even after we fall.  Just get back up, like Jesus who fell.  The Sacraments are spiritual treasures!


Now let’s move briefly on to the next point that the Church is the most important part of our lives: Our Catholic faith is a spiritual treasure more important than politics.  Our Catholic faith is more important than culture or ethnicity.  Our faith is more important than economics or any other aspects about life.  That’s what happened to the elderly French priest, Fr. Jacques Hamel, who was killed by Jihadists in Normandy during Mass last week.   He showed us, even though retired, how to serve the Church until his dying breath.  As one woman suffering on her deathbed recently said, “I pray that our family will all be together in the next life.”


Finally, if the Church is the most important part of our lives, what are we doing with our time, talent and treasure to support our parish?  Even with our busy schedules, you and I know that if something or someone is important in our lives, we make these priorities happen first.  Have we made the building up of our parish and making it a strong spiritual community a spiritual priority?  I invite you to consider storing a huge spiritual savings account in Heaven. 

So to summarize: The Church is the most important part of your life.  Like Sr. Peter Catherine and St. Lawrence, let our hearts too be rich in those spiritual treasures that only matter to God and going to Heaven.  “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”