It was like a scene from the Bible in Acts of the Apostles.
I do not want to mention too many details out of prudence, as I discern what to blog or not blog about it. I will separately document the details for my own records (in case the data is needed later for any exorcists and/or psychologists involved) but do not plan to make them entirely public here until I find out that it is okay to do so. I apologize in advance if my remarks are vague and unclear here.
It is not true that cases involving demons are "rare". They are more common than we think. As a former high school Religion teacher, I saw some really bizarre things from my students that, as I reflect on them now, make me wish that I had consulted an exorcist and referred the matter to him. At the time, however, there were no exorcists appointed by the bishop to send these cases of which I was aware. One of my regrets as a teacher is not being stronger in fighting the demons and evil spirits that afflicted many of my students at the time in my capacity as a baptized and confirmed layman overseeing souls entrusted to my care for an academic year.
But back to my case and to some notes in general. I publish this on 7/22, the Memorial Feast of St. Mary Magdalene from whom Our Lord, according to tradition and the liturgy, drove out seven demons.
A man approached me to tell me his story. He eventually told me of something that he did that invited the demonic spirits into his life with his cell phone. At first, when I prayed with him and I blessed him with the Sign of the Cross, he said he felt relieved and at peace. We prayed basic prayers like the Hail Mary and the Lord's Prayer together.
I told him that Jesus and Mary were with us as we walked together, and I told him that the things that the voices were telling him were a lie. I told him the truth, such as that he was called to be a great saint and called to help others go to Heaven. At first, he seemed fine.
I told him about a handful of exorcists I knew that were officially appointed by their bishops from a handful of dioceses in California. These are publicly known and only certain authorized priests are allowed to do the solemn Rite of Exorcism.
Deacons and gifted lay people and even priests not appointed as exorcists can pray for the person, lay hands, and recite certain prayers for healing and deliverance (priests should administer the Sacraments of Healing-- Confession and Anointing of the Sick), but they are prohibited from conversing with and/or interrogating the demon(s) involved on their own authority. Here is a direct source from the Holy See:
I think there is a difference between Deliverance Ministry v. the Solemn Rite of Exorcism which are two different things. The man said he would be willing to see an exorcist and meet with a deacon who was on an exorcist's deliverance ministry team. It is not uncommon for an exorcist that has dozens or hundreds of cases to have the team vet cases to him, and wisely so given precious time.
Later, when I prayed the St. Michael Prayer in Latin with him -- yes, I know it in Latin and pray it daily in Latin esp. for the Pope after I receive Holy Communion -- the man's physical demeanor changed. He slowed his pace walking. Eventually, he had to leave my presence. He put his hand gently on my shoulder, said a few words as if to thank me, and then walked away.
I should have pressed the matter, since it appeared I was pushing a button. I have heard exorcists say that there are certain saints, prayers, actions, sacramentals, etc. that can be more powerful that other specific saints, prayers, etc., so I should have pushed the matter further. But I didn't push the matter this time.
The next time I saw him, he said, "Deacon, can you pray for me?" I said "yes" and we prayed again together again for a second time. I was grateful he wanted to pray and returned to me. I thought I would not see him again about this matter.
After some prayers and after some points of catechesis on the importance of attending weekly Sunday Mass, going to Confession, and praying the rosary as
the best means of battling evil spirits in spiritual warfare, I reminded him how to pray the rosary and showed him how to pray the rosary. In fact, I gave him a rosary which I always keep in my right pants pocket. I have kept a rosary -- any rosary -- in my right pants pocket ever since I was a teenager pretty much every day. It is my weapon, my side arm for spiritual combat. I hold it sometimes when I teach or when speaking to people to remind me of Mary and heavenly things.
I asked him the name of his patron saint, and he said Padre Pio. I told him that Padre Pio was with us and that St. Pio called the rosary his weapon. I then invited the man to pray a decade of the rosary with me while we walked. I told him it was only 10 Hail Mary's. It wasn't much different from the random prayers that we were doing together anyway, but this time it would be more systematic.
At that point, he -- or perhaps the entity -- started to resist this. This was odd given that he was fine earlier praying together, and this time he himself initiated asking me to pray for him. I told him the rosary was powerful. He sought out prayer but was strangely resistant to the rosary.
I asked him what he thought about praying a decade of the rosary with me, and he said that he felt angry. This is where a change started to happen. As we walked, I just prayed the decade myself. That was the end of my time with the man, and I referred him to a deacon I knew who was an assistant to a diocesan-appointed exorcist.
In both my encounters with him, the holy rosary and the St. Michael Prayer caused strong, unusual reactions that were not normal than what I've seen from people. I relayed this information to the deacon with more experience than me. This deacon has been present as assisting deacon in so many sessions where the exorcist speaks to the demons. His stories are incredible!
This deacon I knew met with him over the period of a couple of days. At one occasion, I was with him. He later told me that two ordained deacons in prayer were powerful, since during exorcisms with the priest that he has attended the devils will recognize and have to respect the authority of the deacons present. The thought of Jesus sending his apostles two-by-two came to mind.
As this deacon prayed and placed his hands on the man's head, I placed my hand on the man's shoulders. I asked Our Lady to protect us. My positioning was such that my eyes had to gradually look down where I watched the man's hands. First, they twitched. Then, they tightened into a claw. Next, it was a fist. Then, it was as though his arms were being restrained by an unseen force of good angels.
All I can say is I was AMAZED at the Name of Jesus to command, and I was AMAZED at the authority with which the deacon used the Name of Jesus to himself command!
After a few moments, when the deacon stopped the session, the deacon turned to me, gave me a certain look, and nodded. It was then, with that nodding gesture, that I received my personal confirmation that there were demons involved with the man. The man then came back from his altered state.
Eventually, the deacon said to me, "You were meant to see this."
The man has since been referred to an official exorcist.
Thank you for reading this. Again, I'm sorry if things were vague and not as exciting as you would want to read them.
If I have been in error in doctrinal or non-doctrinal matters, I gladly submit this entry joyfully and freely to the judgment of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.